The school day begins at 8.45am. All students must be in their classrooms and ready to start lessons by this time. If children are late to class they miss attendance roll call, morning routines and other activities that set the context for the day.
8.45 am School Commences
10.45 am – 11.05 am Morning Recess
1:05 pm – 1:15 pm Children eat lunch (supervised)
1.15 pm – 1.40 pm Lunch Break
3.00 pm School Dismissal
(2.10pm on Wednesday)
Children should not remain at school after the final siren, as adequate supervision cannot be
Early Closure on Wednesday
The school closes at 2.10pm each Wednesday, to accommodate staff Professional Development in the implementation of new curriculum and assessment initiatives and for collaborative planning and policy meetings.
Children do not remain at school after this time and parents are asked to collect their children promptly.
School Gates
School Gates are opened at 7.30am and again at 2.30pm (1.30pm on Wednesdays). School Gates are locked at 9.30am.
Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club is held everyday from 8am to 8:30am in the canteen. Food items are kindly donated by Manna Industries and the club is run by the Maddington Primary School Chaplain – Steph Sanderson. All students are welcome and it is FREE.
Attendance at school is compulsory by law for all students from the beginning of the year in which the child reaches the age of five. Parents are expected to send a note or provide verbal advice to explain all absences. Parents should ring the school if their child will be absent for a period of time. The school monitor student absences and lateness. When frequent absences occur, parents will be contacted. Absences can also be sent via the schools’ SMS service.
Leaving school early or during the day is not encouraged, as it affects the continuity of a child’s learning. If, due to an emergency, it is necessary for your child to leave school throughout the day, parents must register at Administration, before collecting children from the school where parents will be issued with a “Registered Out of Class” slip.
Family holidays during school terms are not encouraged. School holiday periods provide a considerable amount of time for families to enjoy holidays. Absence during school terms disrupts children’s learning and their social development with friends. All family holidays must be applied for approval in writing to the Principal prior to the holiday. A written note needs to be provided stating dates and reasons for holidays.
On the day following an absence from school, Department of Education regulations require a written explanation from the child’s parent/guardian.
These notes are retained and must coincide with absences marked on the class roll. The school will follow up all unexplained absences. Any continual unexplained absences will be referred to the School Administration.
Permission to leave the school grounds will not be granted unless parent advice has been received. Parents are asked to sign a school register whenever children leave school early.
Children that arrive late to school will also be required to report to the office to receive a late note to be handed to the teacher.
Arrival of students at school
Children should not be at school prior to 8 am as supervision of children will not take place before that time and, therefore, their safety cannot be guaranteed.
Children may not enter classrooms prior to 8.30am unless their own teacher is present and gives permission.