School Purpose

Everyone will be treated with care and respect while inspiring individuals to be the best they can be. 

Strategic and Operational Plan 2019-2020

Our School Values

Respect: We appreciate individuality, our own worth and the surrounding environment, and value the contributions of others. 

Responsibility: We accept and display responsibility for ourselves and others in learning, social, civic and environmental situations, and accept consequences for our actions. 

Care: We treat all individuals with care. Our relationships are based on trust and mutual respect for self and others. 

Courtesy: We are fair, trustworthy and genuine in our dealings with others. 


The staff at Maddington School endeavour to establish an environment in which children will feel safe, secure and happy and, in addition, have maximum opportunity to learn.  In an effect to accomplish the goal, we have developed a school wide Behaviour Management In Schools Plan.  This plan specifies rules that cover the behaviour we expect from our students.  The plan also states that students who follow the rules will receive positive rewards and students who break the rules will receive a consequence.

Each teacher has a specific plan for classroom behaviour.  As part of our plan Teachers will use a range of positive incentives.  We are confident that our school’s Behaviour Management In Schools Plan will teach our children to be responsible for their actions and make this school year a positive and motivating experience.

Health and Wellbeing

Maddington Primary School is actively participating in the Mental Health in Schools (MHiS) Project, a new initiative by the Department of Education. As part of this project, Maddington Primary School is now a registered Be You learning community. Be You is a national initiative for educators, aimed at promoting and protecting positive mental health in children and young people.

Our school aims to

  • Build the capacity of school staff to create mentally healthy environments through utilising the ‘Challenges and Choices’ Resource and Be You modules.
  • Provide families with practical examples on how to promote the learning of these personal coping skills e.g. positive thinking, emotional intelligence, social skills, help seeking and self-knowledge.
  • Increase and maintain the individual awareness and understanding of students, staff and parents so they can and should do things to keep mentally healthy.
  • Provide explicit teaching and learning activities which develop the resilience skills and beliefs to enable students to cope more effectively.

 Our School Values

Reinforcing the school values of Respect, Responsibility, Courtesy and Care daily, during every day teaching and learning, discussions, assemblies and visual reminders around the school.

  • Certificates given to students demonstrating these values every fortnight.
  • Explicitly teach the school values of Respect, Responsibility, Courtesy and Care during health sessions.