Payment Options

The school accepts the following methods of payment for excursions/incursions, charges and contributions, etc:

EFTPOS is now available at the school for ease of all payments.   Cash/cheque payments can be brought to the front office in a sealed envelope, clearly labelled.  Please note, the office does not carry change.

Children are responsible for any spending money brought to school for sundry items.  All payments for special events or excursions/incursions are to be handed into the front office, please do not hand any money for school or P&C activities to classroom teachers.

Direct Debit through internet banking:

Bank: ANZ 

Account Name: Maddington Primary School

BSB: 016-358   Account Number: 3408 25113

When using EFT/direct deposits please ensure that you reference your child’s surname and event  (eg. Smith/swimming)